Thursday, August 12, 2021

20210504 Nqrse Twitcast : Live #supernaruse #676090143

Naruse started the cast with his wonderful singing. He sang “Begin” by Tohoshinki.

He explained that he didn’t stream on Saturday because of the low air pressure (i.e. he was having headaches).

He had posted on his instagram story that day, asking what he should stream. He then proceeded to pick up some replies he got that were “inappropriate/annoying”, or what he likes to call as ‘bald octopus’ (“hage tako”). Here are some of the replies he got:

  1. Please post a selfie

  2. Please increase the number of instagram posts

  3. I want to see your sleeping face

  4. Let me give you a massage

  5. Let me see the selfie that was accidentally uploaded

  6. Please drink alcohol

He then says that the most ‘hage tako’ reply he received was one that said “please rap a few lines about your current feelings”. There were also a few replies that were proper requests like - please play Monster hunter, Apex, ‘O e kaki no mori’ (lit. “drawing forest” it’s kind of like pictoria), Mario Kart - and then there are the weird ones that asked him to post selfies and to let them give him a massage. ‘Still,’ he says ‘I’ll accept all of you’.

He has recently subscribed to youtube premium, and says that he feels ‘lonely’ because there were absolutely no advertisements. He says that he forgets about the background play function that comes with youtube premium, and left it playing without noticing and thought it was weird that he was hearing voices.

He states that he wants to do a stream while making a youtube sub-channel in the near future, and when his fans ask him what he will do on that channel, he says that he’ll do the exact same thing he’s been doing on twitcast. He contemplates about it saying that it might be better to do podcasts on twitcast because they can lock their screens and just listen to the audio, but then he finds that it’s a lot easier to play archive streams on youtube.

A fan reminds him about the weekly AraNaruMei stream, in which he suddenly remembers he has not done the recording for the telepathy game (“ishindenshin” game).

He asks the fans about the weather getting warmer recently, but he thinks that it’s still cold at night. He then proceeds to warn the fans that what he’s about to say may sound ‘inappropriate’ and that he’ll try to use his ‘handsome (“ikemen”) voice’ to ask - ‘what do you usually wear at night?’ to which most of them responded with - ‘long sleeves, and long pants’. He then asks when do they usually change to short sleeves, and most of the early comments stated ‘when it gets hot.’ He replied with an analogy - it’s like when you ask someone “when will we meet again?”, and you get a reply “when we feel like meeting”.

He starts complaining and whining that people were calling him ‘pervy uncle’ (“kimoi ojisan”), and that those people who replied to him ‘I want to sniff you’, when he said that he was going to shower were more pervy (“kimoi”). He then proceeds to roast the comment section.

Suddenly AraNaruMei’s cover of “Darling Dance” started playing, and he starts advertising for it. He then pulls back the conversation to his previous question of ‘when do you change to short sleeves’. Most people replied June or July. He continues to ask if anyone wears long sleeves during summer when the aircon is cold, to which most people replied ‘yes’. He then teases that he’s thinking of releasing a pencil case. To which a fan jokingly says that he/she doesn’t want a pencil case, nor a smartphone case. He then took up the challenge and said that he will make the world’s best smartphone case.

A fan stated that there was no BGM, and he joked asking why they didn’t tell him as soon as they realised, and that he had ‘lost trust’ in them. They then said that it’s because he wasn’t looking at the comments section, and he said that he was looking and he tried to show them his screen to prove that he was properly looking at the comments section.

Some of them said that the words are too small, and he replied that his monitor is 4k so it wasn’t small for him. He then realises that most of them were probably watching from their phones, so it would look small for them. He says that he doesn’t really look at the usernames, and only looks at the comments itself. He explains that it’s because he doesn’t want to hold any bias-ness or anything towards anyone.

He suddenly starts talking about his hair, and how bad his hair looks after he washes and dries it, and that he looks like Bach. He says it’s because he cut his hair a lot shorter. But he told the fans not to worry, because he will appear with his usual hairstyle in concerts, and that there are a lot of ways to cover this. He then brings in the example of shaving bald, and wearing a wig, and says that it would be better for the fan’s hearts if he keeps it a secret, but he says that he’d probably say it anyway. A fan then commented saying “then i’ll let you know if it’s crooked.”

He then goes onto the topic of how utaites were ‘traditionally’ hidden figures who do not show their faces, but that in recent times, everyone’s been uploading selfies without hiding their faces. He brings up another analogy (yes, he loves analogies) that when people tell him to upload a selfie, it feels like when you're about to study and your mom comes in to tell you to study, and then you suddenly don’t feel like studying anymore. So he says that they are probably better off not telling him to upload selfies. But announces that he still wouldn’t upload any selfie either way (lol).

Somehow he links the conversation to growing mini tomatoes and morning glories (elementary kids in Japan have a class where they grow either mini tomatoes and morning glories), he says that he grew morning glories, and is suddenly interested in how strawberries were grown, so he took it to youtube and starts watching a video about growing strawberries. The link to the video he watched:

He suddenly stops the video and comments on the person’s hands, saying that his/her hands are so pretty they could be in a commercial for hand cream. He wonders if he/she is a female or male.

The second video he watched:

He suddenly gets really into river tables and proceeds to watch a bunch of them.

The third video:

Fourth video:

He asks his fans to guess the price of the table after the fourth video, and when he looked at the price, he thinks it’s too cheap for the amount of effort. 

Fifth video:

He says that the fishes are already alive in this video.

He ends the stream with his usual horoscope fortune-telling ranking from yahoo japan.

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