Monday, April 21, 2014

Son of God

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Name: Son of God

Release Date (in Singapore): 17 April 2014
Watched on: 17 April 2014

This movie follows the story in the bible, written by Peter.

Personal Ratings: 2.5

This movie, together with Noah, is probably shown on this timing because of the good Friday and the Easter day. So I guess this show is probably more for the Christians. I don't have any idea how would Christians actually rate this movie, but I'm just going to rate this as how I would rate any other movie. 
So, luckily for me, I was in a Christian primary and secondary school, so I knew all of the stories that were shown or mentioned in the movie. So I guess, to a certain extend I can relate a little to the movie and the Christians that were watching this movie. 

So firstly, the title 'Son of God' is really a broad title, that seem to be talking just about Jesus; so I was kind of expecting like all the stories that included Jesus in it, from the beginning to the end. I was quite disappointed when they decided to focus more on the time where he was being killed. I felt like there should be more miracles added into the movie, makes it less boring. 

There were also many parts where I felt like it was really draggy, and slow. Which kind of almost made me fell asleep as I was watching, (which, btw, rarely happens to me when I'm watching a movie), so for that to happen, it must have been real bad. 

I felt that, if they weren't going to add more miracles into the movie, they could have simply kept the movie shorter, by removing the unnecessary dragging parts. 

I'm not sure how those people who didn't read the bible felt about this show. From what I could tell from my mum (who doesn't read the bible), she couldn't really follow the show, or maybe I should say, relate to the show, which made things even more boring for her. But I guess it's a good movie for those that want to know about what happened to Jesus, because they didn't, very much at all, stray too far from what written in the bible. 

Recommended for:
Gender: Both
Age: 13 and above
Ratings: PG-13

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